Merchant Taylors’ School is an independent school, which caters for 780 children from 12-18 years old – not to mention 140 staff members. Food safety at this prestigious school is the responsibility of Domestic Bursar, Les Chappell.
The young students are in a ‘high risk’ group, being much more vulnerable to possible food poisoning. Catering in schools therefore requires the highest standards of food hygiene and health and safety practice and Merchant Taylors’ School acknowledges the value of professional specialist support in setting and maintaining standards.
In House visits Merchant Taylors’ School three times a year, during term time, and monitors the cleaning standards with the unique BIOSCANNING system. At the end of each visit, In House provides the school with a written report on the cleanliness throughout the entire catering operation. The Domestic Bursar is very proud of the catering department with a staff of 24. Regular notices are pinned up around the department so that staff, parents and visitors to the school can see, first hand, that Merchant Taylors’ are doing everything possible to ensure the safety of their young charges.