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Providing high quality support in health and safety and food hygiene   |   Part of the PHSC GROUP

Natasha’s Law Guidance and Checklist

Natasha’s Law came into effect on 1st October 2021, and requires food businesses to provide full ingredients lists, including allergen information, on foods pre-packaged for direct sale on the premises. The Food Information Amendment was brought about following the death of…

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Managing Asbestos in Schools 2021 – Why is it such a headache?

In our experience, everyone understands the basic issues. The Duty Holder (typically the Head Teacher) has to ensure that the following statutory obligations are met:– Find asbestos (surveys) Prevent exposure through an Asbestos Management Plan (AMP) e.g. risk assessment of activities; conducting abatement works where required; control work is done by staff or contractors and most importantly maintenance…

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When is a workplace noise risk assessment required?

This is a question that often comes up. Businesses are normally aware of The Control of Noise at Work Regulations 2005and of the general requirement to conduct risk assessments. They are also aware that there are ‘Exposure Action Values’or‘Exposure Limit Values’ within those regulations. In addition, they often have an awareness of how noise measurements are taken…

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What Happens in a School Lockdown?

When hearing the term ‘Lockdown’, many people envisage a terror attack or other major incident and consider it highly unlikely to affect their school. However, lockdown procedures are not primarily aimed at protecting a school from unlikely terrorist activity.

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