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Providing high quality support in health and safety and food hygiene   |   Part of the PHSC GROUP

Sometimes, as a food business, you just need to be told what you are doing wrong and what to do to put it right. Sometimes it requires a fresh pair of eyes to look at your business to see what you are doing wrong. In order to improve your standards you need to be aware of your failings. This is where auditing and inspection is an invaluable tool to a food business.

How can In House Safety help?

We can assist in a variety of ways by having a suite of tailored auditing solutions that can suit every size of business or budget.

Full Food Safety and Hygiene Audit

This audit comes in 2 parts and involves being with your business for a significant period of time depending on the size and complexity of the food service. Our auditors will look at every aspect of your service to see how compliant you are with current food safety legislation in the UK and also with best hygienic practice.

Areas covered include:
  • Structure
  • Cleanliness
  • Temperature control
  • HACCP/food safety management
  • Cross-contamination controls
  • Pest control
  • Staff training
  • Personal hygiene

After the audit we will then write a detailed report setting out our findings and we will develop a detailed action plan so that you can prioritise those areas that need most improvement.

The second part of the audit process includes the use of ATP bioluminescent swabs which can give a fast result for monitoring food contact and hand contact surfaces to ensure they are being cleaned effectively and bacteria are being removed from these surfaces. This is the only method available that can quickly and easily demonstrate that your cleaning and cross contamination controls are working effectively.

At the end of the auditing process we will then provide your business with an overall score, which can then be used as a business KPI so you can monitor progress and ensure that continuous improvement is occurring.

Basic Food Safety and Hygiene Audit

Similar to our full audit except that in this case the reporting is limited to a simple two page report that would cover the main hazards or deficiencies found during the site visit.  This also includes ATP swabbing.

Ideally suited to smaller and less complex businesses or used as an interim audit tool to ensure that you remain on target.

For further information contact us now and speak with our friendly staff.

Your partners in reducing risk & protecting people

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